The product must be received back in our warehouse within 21 days of receipt for full refund to be given. Items returned must be in original condition. Merchandise must be unworn and unaltered. We reserve the right to deny a refund or store credit if the item(s) returned are not in original condition or do not meet our quality standards. If we deny a return, the merchandise will be shipped back to you. All sale items are FINAL SALE and ineligible for return or exchange without exception.
To request a return authorization, email with your order number and reason for return. You will be contacted by customer service within 24 hours, Monday – Friday. Our representatives are available Monday – Friday between 9AM – 6PM EST. (Holidays excluded).
- To make a return, please use the return label provided.
- If you elect to use your own shipping service, we just require that you send the tracking number, order number, reason for return to Medic Therapeutics will not be responsible for any packages shipped by the customer using another shipping service. In the event the package is lost, the customer will be responsible for tracking and routing the package back to Medic Therapeutics and getting it to our warehouse within the time period allotted for a return to be accepted. Please keep tracking number on record until the refund confirmation email is received.
- Returns must be received within 21 days for a full refund. Any return received after the 21-day period will be returned to sender.
- Returns can take up to 3 days after delivery for our e-commerce warehouse to process. Once we receive your return and confirm its condition is acceptable, we will process your refund to the original form of payment within 5 business days. Please note we reserve the right to reject returns on damaged goods that do not pass inspection upon receiving at our warehouse. All sales taxes will be refunded; however original shipping charges are non-refundable. Once your return is processed, you will receive an email confirmation. A credit will post to your statement within 2-7 business days depending on your financial institution. Medic Therapeutics cannot accept responsibility for any packages lost, stolen or damaged in transit.
While we are unable to exchange items for alternative styles and colors, we are able to assist by ensuring a smooth return and full refund, and then provide assistance with placing a new order for the preferred item.
Domestic Shipping Rates (within the United States)
Ground Shipping is FREE on all U.S. orders over $120*
Ground Shipping is $25 on all U.S. orders under $120*
Expedited Shipping is $40
For orders being shipped to Alaska or Hawaii, shipping is offered at a flat rate of $69.99. Our shipping methods are subject to change without notice.
International Shipping Rates
International Shipping fee (*rate will differ based on order weight and size)
Payment Method
We accept all major credit cards, online store credit, Amazon Pay and Apple Pay.